Comcast Employee Brightens Day as a Drive-Thru Samaritan

Have you ever had someone pay for your order at a drive-thru? Elisabeth Tarchala hadn’t until recently when she was at the McDonald’s in Lowell behind Robert Katrinic, one of our tech supervisors in the Grand Rapids area.
Already in a gloomy mood due to missing a family breakfast with her grandchildren, Elisabeth was so touched by Robert’s small, random act of kindness that she reached out to us to share her sentiment and ask that we thank our employee on her behalf. “I was completely surprised and very thankful,” Elisabeth shared in her note. “As I am one to normally do the same, I plan on paying it forward.”
We asked Robert, who is a repeat pay-it-forward Samaritan, what’s behind his intentions. He said, “She (Elisabeth) looked like she was having a bad day, and I just wanted to do something nice for her.
Robert also shared that if people walk away with one message from him, it’s this: “You never know what kind of day people are having. If there is anything you can do to help brighten it, do it!”