From not to hot: How Comcast changed my internet and my mind

If you’re anything like me, you have a short (or in some cases long) list of service providers that you curse silently with the receipt of every monthly statement. Many times, before submitting a payment, I’d run through a mental checklist of every issue with the previous month’s service. For longer than I care to remember, Comcast was at the top of my “most hated” list.
And I didn’t keep my feelings to myself. In fact, I was a proud detractor. I told anyone who would listen – online or in person – to avoid Comcast at all cost. I became a WOW customer and while I was content with my “anything but Comcast” mantra, this left me forced to deal with daily modem resets and an overall poor hardware experience.
My disdain for Comcast and fear of ending up with an even worse company, kept me with the status quo. But a move to another part of Detroit meant I was left with only two options for internet/cable. My love of big city comforts means I have no desire to live off the grid so reluctantly, I decided to give Comcast a chance.
That was three months ago. Now I’m using their 1-Gig and I can say they made a believer out of me. I no longer hate Comcast. Here’s why:
- Speed: I can’t live without Wifi. I feel like this is a statement most people would agree with these days, but my Wifi needs are next-level. I own a shared living/work space where there’s a truly open door policy. That means there may be as many as 100 people vying for the internet at any given moment. Previously, it would never fail that in the midst of an important online meeting, my internet connection would fail. It was excruciating – like everything came to a grinding halt. With 1-Gig, the experience couldn’t be more different. There’s an elasticity that wasn’t there before. Whether it’s just my three roommates and I or a house full of guests, the online experience is seamless. There’s no waiting, no buffering, just an instant and lasting connection. It’s truly the best Wifi I’ve ever experienced hands down, and as a tech guy, that’s saying a lot.
- Work and Play: To say I’m busy, would be a vast understatement. I work remotely, travel often and do voiceover work, which requires me to share large files frequently. Before 1-Gig, this was nearly impossible and/or took forever, requiring everyone else to stay off Wifi until the upload was finished. Now, I can work and still be surrounded by other innovators who can get their work done simultaneously.
- Cost: What Detroiter doesn’t love a good deal? We all want to feel like we’re getting the best value for our hard-earned money. For the quality of the service, the price is amazing. Frankly, no one can compete with their price for a Gig. Even packaged with my premium TV package, it’s quite reasonable.
- Ease: When you’re constantly on the go, you look to create efficiencies in as many ways as possible. One of the ways I do that is through the IoT and home automation. That means everything from my thermostat to my lights are constantly connected to the Wifi. As you can imagine, things can get bogged down quickly. With 1-Gig, I don’t even think about it, which is exactly how the IoT should work. I’m even on the lookout for new connected devices.
If you have an opportunity to try 1-Gig, go for it! I’m officially a convert. I believe you will be too.
Nuri Gocay moved to the Michigan area five years ago from NYC. In his day job, he leads a team of engineers in two continents for a large multi-national company; after hours, he DJs and is a voice actor that has two Fortune 50 companies in his client list. In his spare time, he’s a community organizer, highly involved in planning a regional burning man event, runs a collaborative space out of his Detroit home, and works with a large Open Source/Science Fiction convention. He’s passionate about travel, having visited 35 countries, and loves learning about and experiencing other cultures in order to get perspective and shape his own world view.