Dinnertime, bedtime, anytime: XFi lets you control your family’s WiFi experience

If you’re like many parents of young children, you’ve peered into your child’s room well after “bedtime” only to be surprised by the all-too-familiar glare of a tablet screen, accompanied by the high-pitched squeal of their favorite YouTube star.
Most often, this begins a battle of wills as you demand the device be turned off and your child uses every tool in his or her kiddie arsenal to convince you to let your child watch the end of the clip. Win or lose, you’re not alone. In Michigan and across the U.S., children have dramatically greater access to WiFi-enabled smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices and are spending more time on those devices, according to a national survey conducted by Common Sense media.
As the touch-screen generation dives more into the digital world, parents like Rob Ponto, an XFINITY customer and senior public relations manager for Comcast, are equipping themselves with tools to help them win the battle over WiFi. With XFINITY xFi, parents have unprecedented control over their family’s WiFi experience. In addition to simple, quick setup, password management and the ability to be easily managed through the dashboard using any device, other benefits include:
- Parental controls – Create safe search restrictions on Google, Bing and YouTube for users under the age of 18.
- Bedtime schedules – Turn off WiFi for the night to ensure the kids awake rested even if it means they miss the most recent upload from EvanTubeHD.
- Personal profiles – Assign devices and create profiles for each family member and see who’s active on your network and when.
- Pause with a tap – Instantly pause WiFi access by device or user – a great way to get everyone around the table for dinner.
- It’s free. That’s right. No extra charge – Customers gave us feedback that managing WiFi is important to them. That’s why we develop new features, like xFi, so XFINITY customers get more value from the products and services they rely on every day.
The Ponto family was recently interviewed by Fox 2 reporter Derek Kevra about how they’re using xFi.
Next time you’re awakened by the sound of tiny fingers tapping away on a tablet, rest assured that victory can be yours with xFi.