Comcast RISE Winner Profile: Pietrzyk Pierogi

Now and through June 30, eligible small businesses in Macomb, Oakland, Wayne and Washtenaw counties can apply for a grant package at A total of 100 grants will be announced in August and awarded in September 2023.
Erica Pietrzyk, founder and owner of Pietrzyk Pierogi in Detroit, was awarded a monetary grant in 2022. Pietrzyk Pierogi creates traditional and unique pierogi and other Polish street foods in the Gratiot Central Market kitchen and retail location. The Comcast RISE grant gave Erica the money needed to bolster her social media and website, which helped her to generate more sales. Learn more about her thoughts on Comcast RISE by watching the video below.
The Comcast RISE comprehensive grant packages include business consultation services, educational resources, a $5,000 monetary grant, creative production, media schedule, and a technology makeover. Comcast RISE is committed to supporting the growth of all small businesses, while advancing the objectives of diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as community investment. The program was created to help businesses and their communities thrive with a focus on economic growth.
More information on eligibility requirements and how to apply for the grant program is available at Apply today!